
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Today I decided to check out the 'fitness centre' at the pool near my house. I had been warned by a friend that it was small, and that I would have to fight elderly Chinese women for the elliptical machine. Neither of these warnings were exaggerated.

Yup, just a morning spent with me and the over-sixty crowd! And holy shit do those women have staying power - they get on a machine and fuck you, they are getting in their maximum half hour! A woman older than my mom officially could out-treadmill me. Anyway, I finally managed to snag the stationary bike, which for some reason was outfitted with the most uncomfortable seat in the universe. I'm talking the banana-seat-bike you had when you were eleven and you fell on it once and made your crotch bleed. THAT seat.

What I'm trying to say is my nether regions hurt now. Not my actual crotch, but like... if you cross your legs and stick your hand between your legs and feel like, right where your butt starts? There! Ugh, the pain.

Tonight Voodoo and I watched 'Ghost Adventures' which we thought was a parody show but is not. There was a Salem episode, so we took bets on how long it would take for Christian Day to appear onscreen. We were both wrong - he didn't show up until a whole sixteen minutes into the episode, wearing what looked like a pillowcase.

Not flattering. Just sayin'.


  1. Sorry about your booty. I know the feeling, seriously. I used to teach spinning, and my gods, after two hours (2 classes) 5 days a week, my butt wasn't at its happiest, it went away after a while, but in the beginning there was darkness and a lot of cursing.

    Christian Day looks, um... 'interesting.' Just sayin'

    1. Yeah, it gets better as you go on. But man, the beginning always sucks.

      Oh man. That guy. If there's a camera in Salem? He's THERE. If there's a show shot in that town and he doesn't appear on camera I get sort of worried, like he must be sick or something. XD
