
Friday, May 11, 2012

J is for Jewellery

Another entry for the Pagan Blog Project.

Pagans like jewellery.

This much is apparent at any sort of pagan festival, or any metaphysical-oriented store. Rings, bracelets and pendants - oh the pendants! Gemstones, pentagrams, ankhs, triskelions, goddesses, fairies... as a group, we're mad for hanging shit around our necks.

Back in the days when my entire wardrobe was black, I wore approximately five pounds of jewellery at a time. Almost every finger had a ring on it, and I'd be clanking about with several necklaces at a time. I had one very small pentagram that I bought at Spencer's Gifts for ten bucks, which was accidentally tasteful of me considering I could have got one the size of a small hubcap. Less so was the inverted crucifix with a wolf's head on it, that I swear I bought at Claire's or one of those other chain teenager-aimed jewellery stores. I think the pentagram is still kicking around, but alas, not the ugly wtf wolf cross.

These days, I don't wear as many necklaces. (For one thing, if they're too long they get trapped in my cleavage, and since I'm short most chains are indeed too long.) I also don't tend to wear much overtly 'pagan'  jewellery anymore. I still have a lovely pendant that is a crescent moon encircling a pentagram that my mother and sister gave to me years ago, but I couldn't tell you the last time I actually wore it. I have another pentagram that I bought mostly because perched on top of it is a crow - the piece is lovey, but again, I don't wear it often. I almost think I'd prefer it as a pin instead of a necklace.

I own two other pieces of crow jewellery. I have a miniature skull that is one half of a pair - I gave the other to my sister. I also own a a glass pendant that is about two inches long and very thin that has a crow painted or something on it in black. These are pieces I consider to be magical to me now, because they remind me of unbreakable bonds and the things I truly love.

I still own a lot of rings. I don't wear as many at one time, but I do love them. Here I feel I can indulge my desire for talismanic objects a bit more easily, as there's gems galore available in ring form that won't clash with my outfit. Currently, I have four rings that I cycle through for magical purposes: moonstone, blue onyx, obsidian, and a blue tiger's eye. I find rings work better for me magically as well because they're on my hands, which are not only more visible (I don't actually look down at my tits very often) but also what I generally use to direct energy (which I certainly don't use my tits for).

My jewellery doesn't identify me as pagan right away, and honestly I don't see any reason to change that. For one thing, anyone who is even moderately perceptive can probably figure out my spitirual slant by looking at the giant freaking arm tattoo I have of two witches making rain. For another thing... I just don't think it's my style anymore. Unless I find a replica of Margaret Krusemark's necklace in Angel Heart. I'd wear the shit out of that thing.

So. Religious symbols, magical tools, or just pretty shiny things - or hell, all three! -is it any wonder witchy people love their jewellery?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mumma, We do indeed love our jewellery. If you fancy something really special I can bespoke make pretty much anything. Why don't you come over and have a look.
    Hugs Sam @ Ivaldi
