
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Yeah, and while we're at it, let's just clean the whole fuckin' house."

This morning while walking from the bus stop to the office, I saw a piece of graffiti that depicted a guy with a can of spray paint whose label read, "boredom makes you do crazy things."

It was a lovely piece - one of those done on paper and then pasted to the wall. My sister informed me one of our co-workers did that sort of thing, and then we started talking about the book graffiti artist and how sometimes you just want to create magical things for the world. This segued into us agreeing that 2013 is the year of doing shit.

No more talking about what we'll do later, no more waiting around for fortune to hand us what we feel we deserve.

In the immortal words of Seth Green in Idle Hands: "No, no, no, no Kevin Costner speeches alright? Let's just go."

I'm hardly the first one to jump on this train -  Deb at Charmed, I'm Sure ran 'New Year, New You' last year (the prompts are still available if you want to do them) and it seems a lot of people on my blogroll have decided to stop making excuses for themselves over the past year. Now, it's all well and good to feel revved up in January - the trick is to keep our asses going the rest of the year.

So, what crazy things do you want to get up to, huh?


  1. I think you are right on target here. We all have some sort of 'resolution list' in the back of our heads whether we admit to it or not, each year. But this year seems more like a active year, a year to actually get it done. And I've seen it all over the place... I know for myself I want to pay attention more to my writing and to my studies. But as a family I know we have lots of changes on the horizon, so keeping up with that will be time consuming as well. Great Post BTW!

    1. My dad has a phrase that's always stuck with me: 'the tyranny of the mundane.' I think that, as busy as we may get, we should keep it mind and realise we only have so much time in life to do the things we TRULY want to do.
