
Monday, January 6, 2014

Progress Report

Couple days into the new year, so it's time to make sure I'm not being a lazy slag.

Physical activity remains steady - still running, and there's been more dance practice in preparation for Tarantino Burlesque on Friday. Started incorporating weights and core work, but that needs to be on a regular schedule instead of just whenever I think to. Yoga needs to be stepped up a bit.

Food choices need to be re-examined. I've gone through my vegan cookbook to pick out recipes I haven't tried that I would like to. I am doing a 24-hour fast (started after dinner) to slap my body in the face with the whole no sugar thing. Ugh. And no booze this week either. remains.

Meditation schedule buggered. Have to get back into a same-day-every-day-asshole regime.

Magically not much on the go, just the usual shit. Tristan Risk and Lola Frost have both requested some tarot time, so that should be happening fairly soon. Rereading some material, and working out some ideas for experiments.

So that's the state of things as of today.

Yeah, blew the fast because jogging makes you hungry, go figure.  But am still doing the no sugar thing at least for 24 hours.

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